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Automation to improve the recruitment process

Recruitment and selection can be a tricky process. You need to get the right information to the right people and do it all quickly before highly desirable candidates find roles elsewhere. Despite this urgency, many organisations are utilising recruitment processes with numerous bottlenecks and inefficiencies, with disconnected people and processes. Uniting and streamlining your recruitment processes could help you find and reach out to candidates faster and improve the workload of your existing staff that are managing this process, supporting employee retention as well. So how do you improve your recruitment process? It’s time to look at automation.

An inefficient recruitment process likely has disconnected people and actions. With 55% of interviewees spending at least 25% of their time working on manual tasks that could be more automated, that’s a lot of time, money, and potential candidates lost to this disconnection. With an automation solution each stage of the recruitment process be digitised, made automatic and consistent, triggering next steps.

For example, using leading automation tool, Nintex, you can automate the distinct tasks of your recruitment process and make it so that when a task is completed, the next stage is automatically triggered. You can also assign multiple people to complete a task, set reminders for incomplete tasks, and set the workflow to loop back an early stage (e.g., screening or job posting) if an appropriate candidate is not discovered. The ease of customisation within the Nintex suite means that your workflow solution can account for the unique needs of your organisation.

In automating your recruitment process you not only support efficiency, getting to good candidates faster, and ease workload within your HR teams, you also demonstrate to new potential hires that your business values and champions process automation and process excellence. This is particularly important as 52% of employees interviewedsaid they would leave their job within the next 12 to 18 months for another organisation (in the same industry) if it was easier to get work done and there were fewer manual processes at this new organisation.

Overall, automating your recruitment process is a win-win, it offers a better experience for applying candidates, who receive consistent and timely responses, it also offers your organisation improved potential to hire desirable candidates whilst easing workload for your existing team members.

So how can Synergi help?

Our expert team have years of experience delivering and supporting automation solutions for organisations of many shapes, sizes, and structures. Our friendly specialists can help you understand your existing recruitment process, deliver an improved automation-driven solution, and support your implementation of this newly innovated process.

To find out more, get in touch by calling 0191 4770365 or completing the form below.

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